Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A gift from the Cumbers

Mr. Mervyn Cumber, son of the late Sir John A. Cumber promised, at the renaming ceremony of the school in honourof his father, to provide a monetary incentive for the development of writing in the Year Six classes.
Last Monday, the PTA President received a cheque for CI$10,000.00 from Mr. Cumber. This money is to be used over the next ten years to fund a writing competition among our Year Six students. Three prizes, totalling $1,000.00 will be awarded each year; a first prize of $500.00, a second prize of$300.00 and a third prize of $200.00.
On behalf of the school and especially the students who will benefit directly from this generous gesture, I want to say a very big "Thank you" to Mr. Cumber and his family.

1 comment:

  1. Hard work *does* pay, students - sometimes even in actual cash.

    Thank you to the Cumbers!
